Total Station Topcon Robotic GT-501
Total Station Topcon Robotic GT-501 adalah instrumen optis/elektronik yang digunakan dalam pemetaan dan konstruksi bangunan. Total station merupakan teodolit terintegrasi dengan komponen pengukur jarak elektronik (electronic distance meter (EDM)) untuk membaca jarak dan kemiringan dari instrumen ke titik tertentu.
Total station banyak digunakan dalam pemetaan lahan, seperti pemetaan topografi untuk konstruksi jalan dan bangunan. Total station juga digunakan di situs arkeologi untuk mengukur kedalaman penggalian, dan oleh kepolisian untuk melakukan investigasi tempat kejadian perkara.
Total station banyak digunakan dalam pemetaan kawasan pertambangan. Teknologi ini dapat digunakan di dalam tambang tertutup untuk mengukur kedalaman dan jarak tambang dari permukaan dan mulut tambang, juga kedalaman penggalian pada tambang terbuka.
Topcon GT-501 Robotic Total Station description
Topcon GT-501 for sale, Robotic Total Station, 1” Angle Accuracy, Topcon FC-5000 Magnet Hybrid
The GT Series robotic total station is the fastest, most powerful total station with the smallest and lightest form factor yet. The source of this speed advancement is found “underneath the hood” through advanced UltraSonic Motors. These compact and efficient motors transform sound into energy to power both horizontal and vertical rotation – smooth and fast. Plus, the GT offers an industry leading 3 year instrument, 5 year motor warranty.
The GT Series is a high performance solution available in two unique models of: GT-500 available in 2, 3 and 5 second accuracies and GT-1000 Available in 1, 2 and 3 second accuracies. Each has the efficiency of a single-operator robotic system, the power of long-range reflectorless measurements, and the option to perform as a hybrid positioning solution. Users of the new GT Series have it all:
- Most powerful, fastest robotic motor technology available
- Small, light, compact form factor
- The industry leading warranty program
- Simple and complete workflows
Fastest, Most Powerful robotic motor technology
The UltraSonic Direct Drive motors in the GT series are the thinnest, lightest and the fastest available, providing the smoothest, fastest and most accurate prism-tracking possible. This motor has a turning speed of 180 degrees per second making job completion faster than ever! The advanced gearless design is long lasting and backed by an industry leading warranty.
Slim Design, Twice as Fast
30% smaller than our other robotic instruments, this GT Series offers twice the speed. In addition to increasing the speed, the new Ultrasonic motors are free of traditional gears and wearing parts and last four times longer- a great investment.
Ultimate Prism Tracking
Another new technology in the GT Series, UltraTrac, gives increased prism tracking in all situations. If line-of-sight is lost, reacquisition is now faster than ever.
Topcon GT-501 1” Technical Specifications
- Model: Topcon GT-501 1” Angle Accuracy Robotic Total Station
- Range: 4500m to Single Prism 300m to reflective tape (50mm) 800m Non-Prism mode
- Temperature Range: -20 to 50+ degrees C
- Magnification: 30 x
- Compensator: Liquid 2-axis tilt sensor
- Compensator Accuracy : 1 Second
- IP Ratings : IP65
- Electronic Guide Lights [EGL] : Yes
- Weight Dry : 5.7 kg
- Battery Capacity : Up to 4 hours
- Interfaces : USB DC Power port 3.5mm audio jack
- Imaging Onboard : Controller Only
- Controller Type : FC-5000
- Controller Software : Magnet Field
- Data Storage Options : 64 GB internal memory SD Card USB stick
- Operating System : Windows 10
Total Station Topcon Robotic GT-501
- 1x Unit Total Station Topcon Robotic GT-501
- 1x Unit Battery
- 1x Unit Charger Battery
- 1x Prisma Single
- 1x Prisma Polygon
- 1x Pole Stik
- 2 x Aluminium Tripod
Kami menerima Jasa Pengukuran & Pemetaan, Survey Topografi Jakarta untuk :
- Perencanaan Jalan,
- Saluran Irigasi
- Konstruksi Bangunan
- Proyek Perumahan
- Dan lain sebagainya.
Alat Survey Yang Disewakan
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