Total Station Robotic
Jual Total Station Robotic Spectra-Focus 35/ Total Station / Sokkia / Topcon / Nikon / Ruide / South Dll. / Kineta Survey merupakan suatu usaha yang bergerak dibidang penjualan berbagai macam alat untuk keperluan survey dan pemetaan. Kami menyediakan produk yang lengkap seperti, Total Station, Theodolite Digital, Gps Geodetic, Kompas, Automatic Level Waterpass, Jual Total Station Robotic Spectra-Focus 35 dll.
Kineta Survey menjadi pusat penjualan alat survey dan pemetaan, kami menyediakan produk yang berkualitas, asli, serta bergaransi yang resmi. Kami juga memiliki banyak klien dari berbagai macam daerah yang sudah bermitra dengan Kineta Survey karena harga yang kami tawarkan merupakan harga terbaik yang ada di pasaran seluruh Indonesia. Percayakan kebutuhan alat survey dan pemetaan Anda hanya di Kineta Survey.

All FOCUS 35 Total Stations feature a red/green tracklight to enable the operator or rod person to easily align themselves with the telescope of the instrument.
Total Station Robotic Spectra-Focus 35 is available in 1”, 2”, 3” or 5” accuracies and is controlled by the Spectra Precision Survey Pro™ field software using an onboard Windows CE touchscreen interface. The FOCUS 35 is also designed to be controlled externally by Spectra Precision Ranger™, Nomad™, or T41® data collectors running Spectra Precision Survey Pro field software, Spectra Precision Layout Pro or Spectra Precision FAST Survey on the Ranger or Nomad.
All robotic instruments include:
- a motorized drive system at the instrument
- a tracking sensor to track the range pole and prism
- a communication connection between the instrument and range pole and prism
The speed of observation and precise positioning of the Spectra Precision FOCUS 35 robotic total station is provided by patented StepDrive ™ technology. StepDrive controls the horizontal and vertical motion of the motors, so there is no need for traditional motion locks. Using the motorized drives it is possible to precisely turn to, and repeat angle measurements. This results in quick and reliable measurements which substantially increases your staking productivity.
The Robotic and LockNGo™ FOCUS 35 models include a tracking sensor that uses LockNGo technology enabling the instrument to constantly lock onto the prism. The benefit of LockNGo technology is the ability to follow the prism at all times and reduces downtime from not having to re-point the instrument on every observation.
To maintain contact between the FOCUS 35 instrument and the remote observer with the range pole and prism, the robotic solution must include a communication link. The FOCUS 35 uses an integrated 2.4 GHz radio modem as does the Spectra Precision Ranger™ 3 data collector. The 2.4 GHz radio modems provide interference free robotic data communications.
Once your robotic communications have been established you can control all the functions of the FOCUS 35 from the range pole as you move through the job site making measurements. This makes it possible for a single surveyor to perform high accuracy stakeout, layout or topographic surveys by themselves. From high-order control surveys to topographic data collection or fast-paced
construction layout, you can rely on a FOCUS 35, even in harsh outdoor conditions.
The FOCUS 35 robotic total station is combined with Spectra Precision Survey Pro field software, providing you with world class software solutions for any surveying application. An example of these features includes a unique robotic software technology that can be used when associating the FOCUS 35 with a low-cost GPS receiver and Survey Pro software. This combination of technologies allows the user to take full advantage of the Spectra Precision GeoLock ™ technology to keep locked on target.
The Spectra Precision GeoLock technique allows a robotic total station to perform an aided search for an optical target using an initial GPS position. The remote instrument can then be directed towards the robotic roving operator using the GPS position and a subsequent search is quickly performed to re-acquire the target at the robotic rover. This technique greatly reduces wasted time, improving your field work efficiency.
Total Station Robotic Spectra-Focus 35 solution is best described as Simply More Powerful. Packaged in a modern, sleek, and streamlined design, it is easy-to-use, affordable and tough. FOCUS 35 Series Total Stations are designed to meet all your surveying needs.
Spectra Precision Focus 35 Robotic Total Station Applications
- Construction Survey
- Control Surveying
- Mining
- Topo & Cadastral
Jual Total Station Robotic Spectra-Focus 35 dan lengkapi peralatan pengukuran, penelitian atau pekerjaan survey anda dengan ukur Total Station SOKKIA Harga kompetitif Tentunya Gratis antar untuk Area Jakarta dan dapat dikirim keseluruh Indonesia, Jika membutuhkan penawaran harga hubungi sales kami Email dan Telp 0812.18677202 / 0815.11144200
Total Station adalah merupakan teknologi alat yang menggabungkan secara elektornik antara teknologi Theodolite dengan teknologi EDM. Total station adalah alat ukur jarak elektronik yang menggunakan gelombang elektromagnetik sinar infra merah sebagai gelombang pembawa sinyal pengukuran dan dibantu dengan sebuah reflektor berupa prisma sebagai target (alat pemantul sinar infra merah agar kembali ke EDM). Total station banyak digunakan dalam pemetaan lahan, seperti pemetaan topografi untuk konstruksi jalan dan bangunan. Total Station juga digunakan di situs arkeologi untuk mengukur kedalaman penggalian, dan oleh kepolisian untuk melakukan investigasi tempat kejadian perkara, dan Total Station juga banyak di aplikasikan pada pekerjaan di bidang Pertambangan, Konstruksi
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#Jakarta, #bekasi, #cikarang, #karawang, #cirebon, #tangerang, #banten, #bandung, #Surabaya, #semarang , #solo, #Bandar lampung, #sumateraselatan, #Palembang, #lahat, #riau, #jambi, #batam, #pekanbaru, #medan, #Kalimantan, #sulawesi, #makassar , #papua , #gorontalo , #balikpapankalimantan , #banjarmasin , #kalimantanselatan , #kalimatantimur , #kalimantantengah , #kalimantantengah , #bali , #yogyakarta.
Kami menerima Jasa Pengukuran & Pemetaan, Survey Topografi Jakarta untuk :
- Perencanaan Jalan,
- Saluran Irigasi
- Konstruksi Bangunan
- Proyek Perumahan
- Dan lain sebagainya.
Alat Survey Yang Disewakan
Kineta melayani penyewaan peralatan Total Station, Theodolite, dan Automatic Level.
Kineta melayani sewa alat survey dan pemetaan seperti total station, theodolite, waterpass atau automatic level dan lain-lain. Tersedia berbagai merk terlengkap. Rental alat survey dan pemetaan Kineta memberikan jaminan kualitas alat sewa yang baik dan sesuai dengan standar.
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