Leica DISTO D810 touch Pro Kit
Kineta Survey merupakan suatu usaha yang bergerak dibidang penjualan berbagai macam alat untuk keperluan survey dan pemetaan. Kami menyediakan produk yang lengkap seperti, Total Station, Theodolite Digital, GPS, Kompas, Automatic Level Waterpass, Distance Meter Leica DISTO-D810 dll.
Kineta Survey menjadi pusat penjualan alat survey dan pemetaan, kami menyediakan produk yang berkualitas, asli, serta bergaransi yang resmi. Kami juga memiliki banyak klien dari berbagai macam daerah yang sudah bermitra dengan Kineta Survey karena harga yang kami tawarkan merupakan harga terbaik yang ada di pasaran seluruh Indonesia. Percayakan kebutuhan alat survey dan pemetaan Anda hanya di Kineta Survey.
he world’s first ever laser distance meter with a touchscreen, the Leica DISTO™ D810 Touch is here. This all new Disto features an improved, intuitive and faster operation with the revolutionary feature ‘measure with a picture’ which determines distances using its built in hi resolution camera. The camera also allows for pictures to be taken and transferred to a computer easily using a USB system. The ‘Leica DISTO™ sketch’ app, which is available to download for free, improves and completes functionality.
Impressive Touch Screen, Distance Meter Leica DISTO-D810
The new and extremely responsive touchscreen is easy to use and makes for very intuitive operation. All features are quickly and easily accessed using standard gestures including swipe and zoom using fingers. The new touchscreen also allows for measurements to be taken directly.
New feature – Measure with a picture
Determine the height, width, area or the diameter of an item using this outstanding new feature. With just a single right angle measurement of an object is all that is needed. Using two arrows the required dimension is marked on the image displayed and the measured result is then shown on screen.
Document using pictures
The in-built camera on the Leica Disto D810 touch is able to take screenshots and pictures which can then be transferred to a computer using the USB device to document project work with just one click of a button. The feature can be used to make sure that measured points are not unintentionally lost.
Increased Accuracy
Included with the Leica Disto D810 touch is the uniquely designed tilt sensor which makes sure that the results provided are extremely accurate. Many different indirect measuring services when the Disto D810 touch is used with a Leica TRI100 tripod with fine drive.
Leica Disto Sketch App
The free Leica DISTO™ app sketch facilitates the creation of tables or ground plans using an iPhone, iPad or iPad mini. Dimensions can be added to photographs to produce great visuals with no effort at all.
Bluetooth® Smart with App
The Leica DISTO™ D810 Touch is more than a measuring tool. Using Bluetooth® Smart Technology your measurements can be transferred to other devices using the integral Bluetooth® Smart Technology.
ISO 16331-1 – The Standard for Distance Meter Leica DISTO-D810
The range and accuracy of laser distance meters are dependent on light conditions and on the reflectivity of the measuring target. Leica Geosystems’ laser distance meters perform in perfect conditions but also in the everyday working environment.
- Perencanaan Jalan,
- Saluran Irigasi
- Konstruksi Bangunan
- Proyek Perumahan
- Dan lain sebagainya.
Alat Survey Yang Disewakan
Kineta melayani penyewaan peralatan Total Station, Theodolite, dan Automatic Level.
Kineta melayani sewa alat survey dan pemetaan seperti total station, theodolite, waterpass atau automatic level dan lain-lain. Tersedia berbagai merk terlengkap. Rental alat survey dan pemetaan Kineta memberikan jaminan kualitas alat sewa yang baik dan sesuai dengan standar.
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